The Generous Universe

When you learn to trust in yourself what you are learning to do is trust in the wisdom that created you. I believe we all have a heroic mission. I believe that each one of us are a necessity. That there are no mistakes anyplace, anywhere. 

I believe that each one of us show up here, at this moment, in this room, in our lives on this planet for a reason. At the sub-atomic level everything is on purpose. We are a mass of those sub-atomic particles. And when studied, they are not even particles, they are pure energy. 

So I ask myself what am I here for?  I know that what I am here for is nothing to do with what I get because I can’t take anything with me. You can’t own anything and you can’t take it with you. You come in in a naked body and you leave in a naked body and you don’t get to take anything out with you. So if the measure of your life is not what you get it’s got to be about it’s opposite, which is giving.  

Giving is the true nature of Source.